This is an email course based loosely on the wonderful work of Stephanie Bryant
Back in 2004 she wrote a brilliant 30 Days of World Building course which was distributed on her website. You can find the website by clicking on the links above.
My aim with this course is to pay a homage to Stephanie, taking the structure she used for the course and expanding on the information provided. I’m also delivering it by email.
Email over Website
In this case email is superior to a website. The main reason being that when you sign up to the email course it will deliver a new part each day. That way you wont get overwhelmed with all of the information at once, neither will you forget about doing the next part to the course.
so sign up by entering your email address below
Course Topics
If you’re interested in knowing what the course will involve then please see the below list.
- Day 1: Climate & Variety
The Earths climate is more than “desert” or “ice” or “jungle” yet we see this happen in many novels, especially Sci-Fi. Is there any astronomical evidence to back up a one climate world or do we need to start thinking more about our planets climate? - Day 2: Physical Planet
Why is the Earth’s geography like it is? Do you know which coastlines have cold water and which have got? What about the winds? Where do they come from? - Day 3: Mood & Setting
The key point to a world building project is so you can tell a great story and build a fantastic franchise. This module will help you set the mood for the first window into your world. - Day 4: Cataclysms
How old is your planet? The origin of our world is a hotly discussed topic so you can bet the inhabitants of your world will be also. For that reason it helps to know just what the origin is. - Day 5: The Map
This is one of the really fun parts to world building, though it can also be very time consuming. Grab your Pen & Paper and get drawing. - Day 6: Races
What do the people in this place look like? Who will you be writing stories about? Day 6 adds sentient life forms to your planet so you can begin to play god with their lives. - Day 7: Recent History
- Day 8: Econ & Politics
- Day 9: Language
- Day 10: Mood & Culture
- Day 11: Focus In
- Day 12: What If
- Day 13: Plot Hooks
- Day 14: Education
- Day 15: Resources
- Day 16: Limits of Spec
- Day 17: Mood II
- Day 18: Spec & Society
- Day 19: Character
- Day 20: Plot Hooksi
- Day 21: Flora & Fauna
- Day 22: Geography
- Day 23: Culture II
- Day 24: Mood III
- Day 25: Sky
- Day 26: Anti-What If
- Day 27: Plot Hooks
- Day 28: Left Out
- Day 29: Character II
- Day 30: Last Day