Comments on: Nurture the Number 1 Tool No Builder can Afford to Lose An online resource for building imaginary worlds. Tue, 02 Feb 2021 21:50:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lex Mosgrove Fri, 17 Dec 2010 16:11:00 +0000 Yes, there certainly are differences in talent, even though I don’t like to use the term, because it’s been abused too often to tell people they have no chance at something because they “lack talent”. *facepalm*

If you define “creative people” as those folks who can come up with innovative solutions to problems more easily than the rest, then I totally agree. And yes, it can be trained, much like learning a musical instrument – and while that will be much harder for less talented people, and probably not as successful, they can still improve their skills.

The education system over here in Germany does that, too. One of the reasons I decided to go autodidactic with the stuff I really cared about (like worldbuilding, for example 😛 ).

By: Nathan A Smith Tue, 14 Dec 2010 23:48:43 +0000 aye, I believe that everyone is creative, after all we were created in God’s image and who is more creative than him?

Creativity is something we are born with, though I also believe some people have a greater natural talent for it than others – such as melancholic’s. So it is most certainly something that can be improved, developed and trained. I forget where but I remember reading about how creative people think differently to the average joe.

Also I do believe the current education system stifles creativity =(

By: Lex Mosgrove Sun, 12 Dec 2010 01:55:22 +0000 Well, I for my part doubt the existence of the creative personality, I’d rather agree with the guys from Writing Excuses and say that it’s more a matter of how and where (and if at all) people apply their creativity (

However, I totally agree on the positive outlook part. There’s this weird old saying that artists have to suffer to create truly great art, but to be honest, when I’m feeling lousy, I only create crap if anything at all. And I’m quite sure there are a lot of people like me in that respect.

Ah, well, putting all that (day)dreaming on paper is damn hard. So the artistically inclined folks should probably resolve to do so through pictures rather than words if that’s easier for them (I know it is for me).
